We have been made aware that someone using the name ‘Scarlett from Hudson RPO’ has been contacting individuals about job opportunities.  This is a scam and does not emanate from any employee within our company.  Please refer to Scam Warning – Hudson RPO to learn more.


India Skyline Image by toweringgoals on Freepik

LocationsRPO Services and Talent Acquisition Company

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with an ever-increasing demand for skilled talent.  Recruiting top talent can be challenging and complex in a highly competitive market. Whether identifying specialist talent for start-ups or scaling your organization for growth, Hudson RPO can help power your business with the right talent to achieve your goals.

Flexible solutions to help you scale quickly, engage talent and improve quality of hire

To attract quality candidates in a fast and efficient manner, you need a recruitment partner who you can trust to deliver and who is passionate and knowledgeable about what they do.  A partner who can clearly communicate your value proposition to potential candidates and engage them into a process that is rigorous whilst complying to local laws and regulations. 

Hudson RPO specializes in providing customized, cost-effective recruitment solutions for organizations who need to scale up quickly, helping them solve their toughest hiring challenges and delivering solutions that drive better business performance.

Since 1999, Hudson RPO has been helping organizations transform their recruitment models through the provision of customized, cost-effective Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) solutions. We create long term partnerships that help clients improve hiring quality, brand awareness and service to hiring managers and candidates, while reducing cost of hiring, time to hire and organizational risks.

India Recruiting Market Expertise

India Recruitment Process Outsourcing

The mission of our business is to fuel yours

At Hudson RPO, our mission is to connect businesses with advanced, innovative talent strategies and processes. From the outset, we are your trusted partner working with you to develop creative, flexible, and cost-effective talent solutions that drive your business forward. This means you can remain focused on your core business, confident you’ll have outstanding people in place — where and when you need them.

Recruitment News and Insights

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We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organization will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Vinay Mehta

Sales Director

Stephanie Edwards

Chief Digital Officer and
Global Head of Enterprise Solutions

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LocationsTalent Acquisition & Recruitment

Malaysia is a fast-growing market dominated by the Manufacturing and BPO industry. As one of Asia’s most promising economies it can be a complex and challenging country to recruit in for specific skill sets, particularly for technology talent. To attract the best candidates, you need a hiring process that is tailored for your business and driven with an eye towards sourcing high-quality talent within the quickest possible timeframe.

Hudson RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) specializes in providing customized, cost-effective recruitment solutions for organizations who need to scale-up quickly, helping them solve their toughest hiring challenges and delivering solutions that drive better business performance.

Organisations in Malaysia need a recruitment partner who understands the demand and supply for talent in each market. They need a partner who understands how to leverage their brand in a competitive marketplace and one who can source active, passive, and diverse candidates for their vacancies whilst still understanding Malaysian labour laws and regulations, ensuring your recruitment process is compliant while finding you the best talent in the market.

Since 1999, Hudson RPO has been helping organisations transform their recruitment models through the provision of customised, cost-effective Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) solutions. We create long term partnerships that help clients improve hiring quality, brand awareness and service to hiring managers and candidates, while reducing cost of hiring, time to hire and organisational risks.

Malaysia Market Expertise

two Asian businessmen in street

The mission of our business is to fuel yours

At Hudson RPO, our mission is to connect businesses with advanced, innovative talent strategies and processes. From the outset, we are your trusted partner working with you to develop creative, flexible, and cost-effective talent solutions that drive your business forward. This means you can remain focused on your core business, confident you’ll have outstanding people in place — where and when you need them.

Recruitment News and Insights

Start a Conversation

We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Danny Brier
Danny Brier

Client Solutions Director, Asia

Stephanie Edwards

Chief Digital Officer and
Global Head of Enterprise Solutions

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you


The Angel of Independence statue in Mexico City

LocationsRecruitment Solutions

Job openings at multinational and growing organizations are sought-after in Mexico. Our US and Canadian team can immediately return calls from curious candidates, which drives your return on your investment.

Go it alone by posting a job to a Mexican job board, and you will receive a flood of unqualified applications. It takes time to comb through those resumes to find the hidden gems. By working with a trusted recruitment partner, we post jobs and proactively headhunt to unearth the best candidates so you only spend your valuable time interviewing the absolute best candidates.

We deliver outsourced recruitment support to clients in Mexico and Brazil as part of a larger regional or global solution. At present, we do not provide stand-alone solutions within these countries.

Have you considered an outsourced recruitment strategy?

Hudson RPO’s virtual team provides bilingual services in Spanish and English, and we bring a deep track-record of recruitment experience in places like Acapulco, Cancún, Guadalajara, and of course Mexico City.

Whether you are hiring for one key role, a short-term project, or need an end-to-end hiring solution, we deliver cutting-edge talent acquisition, consulting, and artificial intelligence to drive talent success for companies in Mexico.

Mexico Market Expertise

El proceso de reclutamiento "outsourcing"

Las empresas multinacionales están tercerizando sus procesos de reclutamiento para reducir costos y mejorar los resultados en las contrataciones en Latinoamérica. Formalmente, estas soluciones son llamadas de recruitment process outsourcing (tercerización del proceso de reclutamiento o contratación), o RPO. Lear los beneficios de tercerizar el reclutamiento.

closeup of man

Recruitment in real life

Packaging Company

We hired plant managers in Reynosa, Mexico. Originally, we targeted Texas-based candidates, but drug cartel activity made it too dangerous to cross the border. We pivoted our search and hired local Mexican candidates.


We filled multiple sale, sales analyst, and contract manager roles across key Mexican tourist markets such as Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Carmen, among others, for a global online travel company.

Chemical Company

We provided end-to-end RPO services to a global water treatment company. In Mexico, two of our dedicated recruiters filled their ongoing openings for sales, product marketing, waste water and chemical engineers.


We conducted an executive search for a Mexican HR manager of a Belgian-based multinational biopharmaceutical company.


As part of an end-to-end RPO solution, we hired HR managers and multiple sales people for a global manufacturer of modular space and secure portable storage solutions.

Medical Device

For a new sales role, a surgical device company was inundated with low quality candidates from job boards. We took over and identified two outstanding candidates that the company wished to hire.

Recruitment News and Insights

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We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organization will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Christine Kane Headshot
Cristine Kane

Global Head of Implementation and VP of Customer Success

Peter Simandl
Peter Simandl

VP, RPO Sales

Alex Delaney

Director, Client Solutions, Americas

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El proceso de reclutamiento “outsourcing”

Hispanic man closeup with woman in the background


Hoy en día, las empresas multinacionales están tercerizando sus procesos de reclutamiento para reducir costos y mejorar los resultados en las contrataciones en Latinoamérica. Formalmente, estas soluciones son llamadas de recruitment process outsourcing (tercerización del proceso de reclutamiento o contratación), o RPO. Mientras las soluciones de RPO han sido utilizadas con éxito en otros países desde hace algún tiempo, en Latinoamérica estes medios de reclutamiento son relativamente nuevos. Durante este corto video, quiero compartir con ustedes los beneficios de la tercerización de su reclutamiento.

Algunas compañías tercerizan todo el departamento de reclutamiento, otros a penas atienden a una unidad de negocios o segmento y otras empresas mezclan reclutamiento efectivo y temporal en una solución de RPO.

Cualquiera que sea la forma de solución de RPO que tome, los beneficios de tercerizar el reclutamiento son:

  • Reducción en los costos de contratación. Muchas organizaciones gastan una cantidad significativa de dinero en reclutamiento por una fuerte dependencia de agencias. Una ventaja de RPO es la reducción de costos asociados con el desarrollo de procesos de reclutamiento robustos eficientes.
  • Mejor calidad de candidatos contratados. Con centros de expertise en tecnología, búsqueda y diseño de un proceso de reclutamiento, el branding y la generación de informes, los proveedores de RPO están en una posición ideal para atraer, buscar y evaluar talento de calidad para cada plaza.
  • Reducción en los tiempos de cubrimiento de las vacantes. Muchas vacantes abiertas pueden tener efectos adversos en el desempeño de una organización. Creando eficiencias en el proceso de reclutamiento y desarrollando estrategias para atraer nuevos talentos, el RPO impactará de forma significativa la reducción de los tiempos de cobertura.
  • Mejor percepción y proyección de su marca. Un proveedor de RPO maneja firmemente todos los aspectos del proceso de reclutamiento para garantizar que los mensajes de la empresa son consistentes y que el medio de reclutamiento fluya, al mismo tiempo en que mantiene altos niveles de satisfacción del candidato.
  • Escala y Flexibilidad. El modelo de RPO se adapta a las fluctuaciones de sus necesidades de reclutamiento, sin comprometer la velocidad, calidad y branding (marca) o sobrecargar a su equipo con los costos de despidos de personal.

Mexico Market Expertise

Con el aumento del uso de las herramientas de video y otras tecnologías de comunicación, la búsqueda y contratación remota es más fácil. Esta práctica tiene muchos otros beneficios como:

  • Diminución de los costos de viaje. Empleados latino-americanos pueden ser contratados a distancia. El reclutador puede realizar el proceso selectivo a través de entrevistas por teléfono o Skype y de esta forma lograr captar el personal en regiones antes impensadas.
  • Eficiencia en el costo operacional. En vez de contratar a varios reclutadores locales para ejecutar las mismas tareas, las empresas perciben una eficiencia de costos operacionales con la contratación de un reclutador bilingüe para hacer las entrevistas remotamente.
  • Reclutadores más felices y productivos: Dado el conocido congestionamiento de tráfico y los largos tiempos de traslado en las grandes ciudades de Latinoamérica, el trabajo remoto significa menos tiempo en el carro, que a su vez aumenta la productividad y satisfacción de los empleados.
portrait of man

Recruitment News and Insights

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We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organization will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Christine Kane Headshot
Cristine Kane

Global Head of Implementation and VP of Customer Success

Peter Simandl
Peter Simandl

VP, RPO Sales

Alex Delaney

Director, Client Solutions, Americas

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you

United Kingdom

Tower Bridge in London

LocationsSolutions and Services

The UK is one of the most dynamic recruitment markets you’ll ever find. 

The iconic culture of the British Isles attracts countless people who dream of working in the UK, and it nourishes the lives of people already here. Hungry candidates are drawn to a hotbed of ambitious start-ups, high-growth powerhouses, and a spectrum of opportunities in between.

Yet, even in this stimulating environment, you as an employer must still plan for a variety of factors affecting your workforce strategy: think Brexit, immigration, politics, and visa policies, to name a few.

We can help you navigate the UK hiring environment. Contact us to talk through your options for a regional hiring solution.

Not All UK RPO Companies Are the Same

The headlines will tell you one thing or another. But even when they’re printed in black and white, they can’t predict the future.

So set them aside.

Seasoned business leaders embrace lean times and accept risk, because they know that great harvests await.

Your recruitment partner must share this mindset. We certainly do. Our UK-based team responds nimbly to your requirements, particularly when it comes to making sure the right people are in place at the right time for the right cost.

If that means scaling down resources, that’s what we’ll do. Because if it will save you money, or help you run your business more effectively, it’s the right thing to do.

Likewise, if you have a sudden urgent requirement to scale up, we’re there for you. Not tomorrow. Today.

Get strategic advice on your workforce development, including how to troubleshoot short-term challenges. Our team has a wealth of firsthand experience in UK and European recruitment.

We can support you onsite or offsite, with specialists currently working in London, the Midlands, Scotland, and beyond. Wherever your team is based, we’re ready to support you onsite or onshore.

United Kingdom Recruitment Solutions by Industry

United Kingdom Candidate Sourcing

Preparing for further growth or expansion within the UK? We can source strategically to help you find key talent.

Our Sourcing Centre of Excellence is based in Edinburgh.

This multilingual team, along with our UK-wide network of talent specialists, can advise you on all aspects of recruitment projects and workforce management.

London in evening

Talent Acquisition & RPO Services Throughout the UK

From finding the best talent in your market to creating a strategy that will help dominate the competition, we can support you in your city and across the globe. 

UK Recruitment News and Insights

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We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach Out to one of our UK talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you


view of river and city in Germany


Agilität und Innovation machen den Wettbewerb um qualifiziertes Personal aus. Egal, ob Sie 30 oder 30.000 Mitarbeiter auf drei Kontinenten beschäftigen, die Suche und Rekrutierung von passenden Mitarbeitern muss schnell und effizient abgewickelt werden.

Arbeiten Sie mit uns zusammen, und profitieren Sie von einer Reihe auf Sie zugeschnittenen Dienstleistungsangeboten, einschließlich einem von Anfang bis Ende betreuten Rekrutierungsprozesses, projektbasiertem Recruitment, Managed Service, Employer Branding, Rekrutierungstechnnolgien und Beratung bei der Talentsuche.

Unsere deutschsprachigen Berater verstehen, worauf es auf dem deutschen Markt ankommt. Wir sind ein bereits langjährig etabliertes Unternehmen und haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Sie bei Ihrem Wachstum trotz Unischerheiten auf dem Markt zu unterstützen.

Benötigen Sie eine RPO-Lösung auf Abteilungsebene oder eine umfassendere Unternehmenstrategie? Möchten Sie weiter wachsen oder bereiten Sie sich auf eine Übernahme vor?

Deutschland Market Expertise

Kurzfristige Einstellungen

Die Herausforderung, schnell und kurzfristig einstellen zu müssen, kann von den langfristigen Prioritäten ablenken. Diese Umstände können dem Unternehmen schaden und das Image einer Abteilung beeinträchtigen.

Mit einem RPO-Projekt können Sie jedoch die Einstellungshürde überwinden. Innerhalb von nur zwei Wochen sind RPO-Projekte möglich, in denen Sie auch unser RPO-Angebot entsprechend testen können.

two women meeting in office
three colleagues in office

Ein menschlicher Ansatz zur künstlichen Intelligenz

Von Chatbots über die Suche mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz bis zur Prozessverbesserung mit KI, kann eine Vielzahl von Tools zur Automatisierung des Prozesses zur Talentsuche beitragen. Aber wie wählen Sie die richtigen Werkzeuge aus und wie stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Ihre persönlichen Beziehungen verbessern? Sprechen Sie mit einem technologisch erfahrenen Personalberater, der die Feinheiten des deutschen Bewerbermarkts versteht und einschätzen kann.

Ihr Wettbewerbsvorteil

Tun Sie das Beste, um Ihr Unternehmen als großartigen Arbeitsplatz zu präsentieren? Das ist das Ziel einer starken Employer Value Proposition (EVP).

Wenn es darum geht, die besten Kandidaten auf dem deutschen Markt für sich zu gewinnen, müssen Sie Ihre Arbeitgebermarke entsprechend attraktiv präsentieren. Ein ansprechendes, zugängliches und authentisches EVP ist der Schlüssel zum Erreichen der Top-Talenten.

two colleagues in relaxed conversation

Recruitment News and Insights

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We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you

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