We have been made aware that someone using the name ‘Scarlett from Hudson RPO’ has been contacting individuals about job opportunities. This is a scam and does not emanate from any employee within our company. Please refer to Scam Warning – Hudson RPO to learn more.
Congratulations to Iker Jusué, the 2019 SourceCon GrandMaster winner! Iker is one of our talent acquisition and sourcing consultants. Discover his passion.
HRD Summit US: You’re warmly invited to say hello to us at booth 7. It’s a great location, right next to the refreshments, so grab a drink and enjoy a chat!
As chairman of the HRD Summit Talent Stream, Justin Somerville-Cotton reflects on the first day of the annual event. Learn how Eurostar & SpeakAp do talent.
HR thought leaders discuss what it takes to build a ‘conscious organization’ through tech, data, and branding. Learn more from the experts at HRD Summit.
With the HRD Summit fast approaching, we asked Luke O’Mahoney, a hugely passionate talent enthusiast, to share his experience from the annual HR experience.