We have been made aware that someone using the name ‘Scarlett from Hudson RPO’ has been contacting individuals about job opportunities. This is a scam and does not emanate from any employee within our company. Please refer to Scam Warning – Hudson RPO to learn more.
Eric Hutcherson, Chief Human Resources Officer for the National Basketball Association delivers three anchor points for driving cultural transformation.
Congratulations to Lori Hock, CEO for the Americas, who has been named a 2019 Superstar by HRO Today magazine. The honor serves to “recognize industry leaders for their forward-thinking strategies that prepare their organizations for the future of work.”
Recruitment chatbots speed hiring, pinpoint talent, and improve candidate engagement. According to LinkedIn’s 2018 Global Recruiting Trends report, 35 percent of talent professionals say AI is the top trend in hiring. Discover more about the strengths of chatbots for recruitment.
Impressively, 100% of clients expand the scope of service during renegotiation, compared to 80% across the industry, according to findings from the 2019 RPO Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Survey, produced by HRO Today magazine.