We have been made aware that someone using the name ‘Scarlett from Hudson RPO’ has been contacting individuals about job opportunities.  This is a scam and does not emanate from any employee within our company.  Please refer to Scam Warning – Hudson RPO to learn more.


night view of city in Poland


Międzynarodowe agencje rekrutacyjne w Polsce nie zawsze oferują to, czego potrzebujesz, szczególnie jeśli szukasz partnerstwa.

Czy jesteś firmą międzynarodową na początku rozwijania swojej obecności w Polsce? Być może już mieszkasz w Polsce, ale szukasz ekspansji na rynki światowe?

Gdy chcesz rekrutować najlepszych talentów, outsourcing procesów rekrutacyjnych (RPO) zapewnia elastyczność i stabilność w opłacalnym modelu.

Współpracuj z nami, a odkryjesz zestaw usług dotykowych, w tym kompleksowe RPO, RPO projektów, usługi zarządzane, zaopatrzenie, branding pracodawcy, technologię rekrutacji i doradztwo w zakresie talentów.

Nasi wielojęzyczni specjaliści ds. Rekrutacji mogą pomóc połączyć Twoje szanse z wysoko wykwalifikowanymi kandydatami z różnych środowisk, w tym z kraju i ze świata.

Z doświadczenia nasi konsultanci rozumieją, co jest potrzebne, aby odnieść sukces na kluczowych rynkach w Polsce, w tym technologii, górnictwie, produkcji i usługach finansowych.

Staramy się pomagać firmom w zwiększaniu wzrostu w Warszawie, Krakowie, Wrocławiu i centrach biznesowych w całej Polsce.

Czy potrzebujesz rozwiązania RPO na poziomie działu, czy szerszej strategii organizacyjnej? Szukasz wzrostu, czy zmierzasz w kierunku przejęcia? Możemy pomóc.

Polska Market Expertise

Ekspansujesz w Polsce?

Czy Twój zespół przygotowuje się do ekspansji w Polsce? Współpracuj z nami, aby lepiej zrozumieć unikalne w Polsce środowisko zatrudniania.

Nasi eksperci od marki pracodawcy mogą pomóc w ustaleniu pozycji Twojej organizacji jako pracodawcy z wyboru. Możemy również strategicznie pozyskiwać, aby pomóc Ci przyciągnąć i zatrzymać kluczowe talenty.

tour bus in Poland

Recruitment News and Insights

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We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

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view of river and city in Germany

LocationsRPO Solutions and Services

For many employers, it’s the realisation that recruitment processes in Germany often take longer than they do in similar regional markets.

This means that recruiters need to actively keep candidates interested and motivated, even though months may pass before an offer is confirmed.

Recruiting & Talent Acquisition for the German Marketplace

Does your partner’s recruitment technology match the challenges of this market?

Here’s an example: German candidates highly value the place where they live, and often prefer to avoid relocation or extensive travel. Nonetheless, you still need top talent to fill your roles. We navigate that cultural attribute by using sophisticated market intelligence tools to enable highly localised candidate profiling and analysis.

Tech plays a key role in targeted recruitment for the German market. But people make the ultimate difference.

Our native German speakers support English-speaking companies recruiting international roles in Germany. Our sourcers and recruiters also work on German roles which are geared towards German natives.

Germany Recruitment Solutions by Industry

Hudson RPO: Smarter Recruiting in Germany

Rather than LinkedIn, many people in Germany use Xing.

Xing is known for its protection of personal data: a normal account grants access to just 10 profiles. Results are based on personal profile settings and data — not great for sourcing. As a solution, we use Google X-Ray Search, which provides better access to highly relevant candidates.

Ask us for more ways to recruit smarter in Germany.

night view of buildings in Hamburg Germany

Talent Acquisition & RPO Services Throughout Germany

From finding the best talent in your market to creating a strategy that will help dominate the competition, we can support you in your city and across the globe. 

Germany Recruitment News and Insights

Start a Conversation

We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our German talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you

Czech Republic

Evening view of river in Czech Republic

LocationsRecruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

International recruitment agencies in the Czech Republic don’t always offer what you need, particularly if it’s a partnership you seek.

Are you an international company at the start of developing your presence in the Czech Republic? Perhaps you’re already based here, but looking to expand into global markets?

When you’re looking to recruit top talent, recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) provides flexibility and stability, in a cost-effective model.

Partner with us, and you’ll discover a suite of high-touch service offerings, including end-to-end RPO, project RPO, managed services, sourcing, employer branding, recruitment technology, and talent consultancy.

Our multilingual recruitment specialists can help connect your opportunities with highly skilled candidates from different backgrounds, including domestic and global.

From experience, our consultants understand what it takes to succeed in Czechia’s key markets, including technology, mining, manufacturing, and financial services.

We’re committed to helping businesses drive growth in Prague, Ostrava, Brno, and business centres across Czechia.

So, do you require an RPO solution at the departmental level, or a wider organisational strategy? Are you looking for growth, or heading towards an acquisition? We can help.

Czech Republic Recruitment Solutions by Industry

Expand into the Czech Republic with Hudson RPO as Your Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Partner

Is your team preparing for an expansion into the Czech Republic? Partner with us to gain a deeper understanding of the unique hiring environment.

Our employer branding experts can help position your organisation as an employer of choice. We can also source strategically to help you attract and retain key talent.

boat on river in Czech Republic

Czech Republic Recruitment News and Insights

Start a Conversation

We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our Czech Republic talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you

France (Français)

Sunset view of building in France


L’agilité et l’innovation alimentent la course au capital humain qualifié. Que votre entreprise emploie 30 personnes sur une localisation ou 30 000 personnes sur trois continents, l’acquisition de talents doit être souple et adaptable.

En vous associant à Hudson RPO, vous découvrirez une gamme d’offres de services sophistiquées, comprenant recrutement : end-to-end, des projets en RPO, des services gérés, du sourcing / chasse de tête, une stratégie de marque employeur, les technologies du recrutement et du conseil en matière de talent.

Nos consultants francophones ont conscience de ce qu’il faut pour réussir sur ce marché. Nous sommes établis depuis de nombreuses années et nous sommes déterminés à vous aider à générer de la croissance malgré les incertitudes du marché.

Vous avez besoin d’une solution de RPO au niveau départemental ou d’une stratégie organisationnelle plus large ? Recherchez-vous une croissance ou vous dirigez-vous vers une acquisition ?

France Market Expertise

Un projet d'embauche à court terme

Les problèmes d’embauche à court terme vous distraient des priorités à long terme. Ils peuvent nuire à l’entreprise et ternir l’image d’un service.

Un projet de RPO vous permettra alors de surmonter les obstacles liés au recrutement. Réalisables en moins de deux semaines, les projets RPO vous permettent également de tester le RPO.

two women meeting in office
three colleagues in office

Une approche humaine de l'IA

Des chatbots à l’intelligence artificielle, un large éventail d’outils peuvent aider à automatiser le processus d’acquisition de talents.

Mais comment choisissez-vous les bons outils et comment vous assurez-vous qu’ils améliorent vos relations privilégiées avec les candidats ?

Démarrez la conversation avec un consultant expérimenté en technologies de recrutement.

Votre avantage concurrentiel

Faites-vous le maximum pour présenter votre entreprise comme un lieu de travail excellent ?

C’est l’objectif d’une forte image employeur.

Lorsque vous êtes en compétition pour attirer les meilleurs candidats français, montrez votre plus belle marque employeur.

two colleagues in relaxed conversation

Recruitment News and Insights

Start a Conversation

We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you


night view of city in Spain

LocationsRPO Solutions and Services

Following the financial crisis, many senior-level candidates left Spain to pursue opportunities abroad. For employers today, this means that securing highly experienced candidates for roles in Spain can prove a massive challenge.

A local talent partner who understands the Spanish market, as well as the regional landscape, can help you overcome this challenge.

What does it take to recruit top talent in Spain?

Does your compensation package stack up against the market? That’s obviously an important question when it comes to talent acquisition, but it’s especially so in Spain, where some of the most talented people, who are now working abroad, will be comparing your offer with the standards of their expat experience.

Does your organisational culture embrace the values of your target candidates? Make the connection with a great employer value proposition.

Spain is a beautiful country in which to live and work. Choose a partner who can help ensure your talent strategy shares these sunny aspects.

Spain Recruitment Solutions by Industry

Expand into Spain by Outsourcing Recruitment to Hudson RPO

Partner with us to gain a deeper understanding of Spain’s unique hiring environment.

Our employer branding experts can help position your organisation as an employer of choice. We can also source strategically to help you attract and retain key talent.

evening view of city in Spain

Talent Acquisition & RPO Services Throughout Spain

From finding the best talent in your market to creating a strategy that will help dominate the competition, we can support you in your city and across the globe. 

Spain Recruitment News and Insights

Start a Conversation

We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organisation will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our Spain talent experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you


night view of city in Switzerland

LocationsRPO Solutions and Services

Low unemployment and high salaries make Switzerland an attractive place to do business. Those of us who already work here can testify that Switzerland offers a beautiful, clean, and safe setting for candidates to excel and organizations to innovate.

Switzerland’s dynamic talent market is richly international. Candidates who hold work permits are highly engaged and motivated. They tend to be well-educated and skilled.

Gain a Recruitment Advantage in the Swiss Talent Market

Competition for the best candidates — domestic or international — is fierce, and salary expectations can be high. Of course, this also reflects the high cost of living in Switzerland. But with those realities in mind, how can you snag the best and brightest, and in the process, distinguish your brand from other employers in Switzerland?

To answer that question, let’s consider one of the biggest employment sectors in Switzerland: finance.

The financial services space is especially crowded here. It’s a highly regulated sector, and historically has often been associated with rigid working environments. Offering flexible working hours and/or a casual dress code can help distinguish your organization as a preferred employer.

You can also stand out with a candidate-friendly application process. Automating some stages can drive efficiency and enable deeper personal engagement at key touch points.

Use Hudson RPO to Recruit Hidden Talent

We also recommend you look beyond the active candidate market to discover hidden talent gems in the passive category — a valuable approach that Swiss employers sometimes fail to fully exploit.

Ranking first in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), Swiss employers are great at retaining top talent. So if you want to compete for the best candidates, you must be serious about it, and both creative and welcoming in your strategy.

From a simple talent project to full-scale RPO, we can help you unlock the most compelling talent strategy for your organizational challenges and aspirations. Discover how, today.

Swiss Recruitment Solutions by Industry

Easily Expand into Switzerland by Outsourcing Job Recruitment to Hudson RPO

An experienced partnership can guide your organization through this transition.

Our talent acquisition specialists understand Switzerland’s unique hiring landscape across sectors.

We position your company as an employer of choice and source strategically so you draw and retain key talent.

view of mountain range in Switzerland

Talent Acquisition & RPO Services Throughout Switzerland

From finding the best talent in your market to creating a strategy that will help dominate the competition, we can support you in your city and across the globe. 

Swiss Recruitment News and Insights

Start a Conversation

We would love to answer your questions and show you how your organization will benefit from one of our talent solutions. Contact one of our talent experts or complete the form below for more information.

Reach out to one of our Switzerland talent acquisition experts

Lucy McBean

Solutions Director

Rachel Marshalsea
Rachel Marshalsea

Director, Client Solutions, EMEA

or fill out the form and we'll get back to you