Prior to the appointment of Hudson RPO, Toyota did not have a formal recruitment process in place.
A first-generation RPO engagement was carefully tailored and implemented to suit their hiring needs.
Journey to success
Having previously employed three recruitment consultants, Toyota sought process improvements.
They lacked a talent sourcing function, with recruitment relying solely on incoming candidate applications. They also had lengthy times-to-offer (TTO) and limited reporting capabilities.
Streamlining recruitment processes would help Toyota’s HR team gain more time for strategic HR initiatives and day-to-day business activities.
So, following a competitive tender process, Toyota selected Hudson RPO for a dedicated, full-scale RPO partnership.
We were appointed to service all hiring needs in Belgium. This now includes permanent professional hiring, graduates, early careers, and interns.
We continue to fill roles in each specialist department.
Project expansion
Our Centre of Excellent (CoE) in Edinburgh continues to provide strategic talent sourcing in close collaboration with the new Toyota Motor Europe (TME) team. Top-calibre candidates are sourced from all over Europe, Russia, and Turkey, thanks to our multilingual sourcers and recruitment administration team at the CoE.
Behind the scenes
The agreed solution kicked off two months ahead of schedule, following the unexpected withdraw of services from Toyota’s previous recruitment consultants.
To ensure no breaks in engagement, two recruiters from the CoE were rapidly seconded to Brussels and based on-site with Toyota. Meanwhile, we continued recruiting for their permanent, on-site talent team. We smoothly implemented the critical components of the solution within just three weeks. This surpassed the original 12-week go-live agreement.
About the client
Toyota Motor Corporation is a global automotive industry leader, manufacturing vehicles in 27 countries or regions and marketing the company’s products in over 170 countries and regions. Founded in 1937 and based in Japan, Toyota employs nearly 350,000 people.
At a Glance
Services Provided
Territories covered
Russia, Turkey, Europe
Roles filled
Sales & Marketing
Research & Development
Project management
Permanent hires per year
Solution implemented 9 weeks ahead of schedule