We have been made aware that someone using the name ‘Scarlett from Hudson RPO’ has been contacting individuals about job opportunities.  This is a scam and does not emanate from any employee within our company.  Please refer to Scam Warning – Hudson RPO to learn more.

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Project RPO vs. end-to-end RPO: what’s the difference?

Project RPO vs. end-to-end RPO: what’s the difference?

Content Team

Project RPO vs. end-to-end RPO: the amount of time committed to RPO tends to define whether it’s considered project, or end-to-end.

But first, you may wonder, “What is RPO?“.

RPO refers to ‘recruitment process outsourcing’. The term ‘outsourced recruitment’ is similar to RPO, but RPO refers to wider improvements in talent processes.

3 male colleagues at reflective coffee table
Project RPO can serve as a pilot for a lengthier end-to-end RPO solution.

RPO improvements can take place at any level, including by role type, by team, by business unit, or commonly at enterprise level.

As you’ll see below, RPO offers a pick-and-mix service selection for strategic HR leaders. The driving goal is to create greater efficiency in talent processes.

Let’s dig into the finer details of project RPO vs. end-to-end RPO. We’ll start with end-to-end RPO, since this is typically what HR leaders think of when they consider outsourced recruitment.

End-to-end RPO

End-to-end RPO is a complete outsourced recruitment solution, typically delivered over multiple years. Managed by a third-party partner, an end-to-end RPO solution can encompass every component of your talent strategy.

These components may include:

  • candidate attraction
  • candidate screening
  • candidate assessments
  • interview scheduling
  • on-boarding periods
  • compliance monitoring
  • exit interviews

While a business can select any combination of the offering, they also have the option to outsource all of them. That would mean incorporating all of these components into your talent strategy, and potentially others as well.

Click here for more information about end-to-end RPO.

Project RPO

Project RPO is similar to end-to-end RPO, particularly in terms of service design and capability.

The main difference, however, is that project RPO tends to be delivered as a short-term solution. Project RPO can be delivered in weeks or months.

Quite often, projects tend to target a temporary hiring requirement.

For example, you may be planning to launch a new product or service, and urgently require extra sales people. Project RPO could help you quickly achieve that goal.

Or, you may need to deliver on a very niche requirement. For example, you may be struggling to fill a key role, but the requirements are so unique that the job requisition remains open longer than it should. Project RPO could help find the required talent, and ensure that the entire process runs effectively for everyone concerned.

In a way, project RPO lets you test-drive a full-scale RPO solution. It give you a sense of what it’s like to design, implement, and deliver RPO.

Click here for more information about Project RPO.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Recruitment process outsourcing: what are managed services?

Recruitment process outsourcing: what are managed services?

Content Team

In the context of recruitment process outsourcing, “managed services” refer to the supply and management of a contract workforce. This workforce includes task-ready contractors who can provide services either independently, or through a statement of work (SOW).

The phrase “managed services” is largely interchangeable with the phrase “managed service provider”, or MSP. Both terms are often used by talent managers and HR leaders.

Two workers at laptop in lounge
Managed services refer to the supply and management of a contract workforce.

An MSP typically refers to a specialist entity who manages contract services. For example, Hudson RPO is an MSP.

Weighing the advantages of managed services

When it comes to driving business growth, you might seek the services of an MSP if you:

  • Urgently require gig workers and/or freelancers
  • Need to ensure legal compliance at different levels
  • Want to control vendor costs and mitigate contingent talent risks

Selecting the right MSP enables you to protect and strengthen your business in a multitude of ways. For example, sustainable business growth can be delivered with the turn of a talent tap. Managed services also help ensure your talent strategy aligns with local, national, and global employment laws.

When uncertainty looms, a robust contingent workforce empowers your business to pursue steady, sustainable growth. Relying (in part or in whole) on managed services means your business can scale up and down as needed. For both short-term and long-term objectives, a deeply embedded MSP solution grants access to a powerful talent pipeline.

The right MSP can also help you on-board and manage a pool of contingent talent. External support at this critical stage of delivery frees you to focus on other strategic business initiatives.

silhouette of woman and laptop
An MSP can help you find freelancers, while controlling costs and mitigating risk.

Managed services also ensure a greater degree of success from the start of a project. This helps achieve satisfaction both from the business and your contractors. On the business-side, high satisfaction rates can help ensure continued budget allocation. On the supply-side, keeping contractors engaged is also key, particularly as they evaluate your requirements and opportunities alongside others in the market.

Click here for more information about managed services.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Business engagement: discover how to motivate stakeholders

Business engagement: discover how to motivate stakeholders

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Business engagement is a journey, but finding out what inspires people is the key to motivating them.

It’s not always easy, of course. So, how do you engage challenging stakeholders who are reluctant to adopt change?

Find your way forward with advice from Lori Hock, Hudson RPO CEO for the Americas:

Business engagement clip filmed during a Q&A session at HRD Summit US, 2019.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Motivating different generations in the workplace: tips and advice

Motivating different generations in the workplace: tips and advice

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Motivating different generations in the workplace is often a huge challenge. But having a purpose-driven culture can be a key uniting factor.

Watch the video for a deeper explanation from Tony Martin, EVP for RPO and talent management:

In the clip, Tony explains how search engines enable talent leaders to find virtually anyone who meets the brief of what they’re looking for.

The real challenge, he says, is how we go about engaging these candidates and enticing them to join our business.

That’s where the concept of purpose becomes key.

Purpose matters not just to Millennials and Gen-Z talent, Tony argues, but to all generations.

Strong EVPs can help motivate different generations

Your organization’s employer value proposition (EVP) plays a fundamental role in communicating organizational purpose and values.

A strong careers page or website, for example, should serve as a central touch point for delivering messages of purpose. Thoughtful content allows potential candidates to align their own values and intentions alongside those of the business, and to gauge whether the opportunity might be suitable.

“It’s less about the organization these days,” Tony says, “and more about that personal message of: 1.) Here’s what you can do in the organization. 2.) Here’s why you fit. 3.) Here’s why this is a good opportunity for you to come into the company.”

Once your top candidates accept offers and begin the journey towards becoming great employees, you then need to consider creative and strategic ways in which team members of different generations can collaborate effectively.

Tony Martin
Purpose is key to motivating different generations at work, says Tony Martin.

Collaboration styles will depend upon many factors, including an employee’s previous industry, role, and wider background.

As a team leader, you’ll soon discover how much exposure each employee has previously had to different technology suites, whether they prefer one-to-one training vs. virtual learning, etc.

Everyone is different, and it’s quite often not even down to generational differences, so much as personal tendencies and prior professional experiences.

On a macro level, however, a strong EVP can rally employees around the central unifying force of shared purpose.

So, want to learn more about building a strong EVP to help motivate different generations in your workplace?

Learn more about Employer Branding.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Recruitment technology: glimpse the future in this new HR video

Recruitment technology: glimpse the future in this new HR video

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Recruitment technology: the new world of talent tech is changing the way that great candidates are discovered and hired. What does the future hold? Imagine tomorrow’s talent processes, today.

Watch the video to discover what’s in store for hiring managers, HR leaders, and candidates.

All this technology exists today. Now is the time for companies to begin implementing recruitment technology and AI into their talent processes.

In many ways, AI helps enable process efficiency and increase satisfaction rates. Talent technology is used regularly by business leaders to:

  • Streamline front-end hiring approval
  • Power job applications on career sites
  • Create and manage talent pools
  • Reduce administrative tasks
  • Increase hiring speed
  • Drive candidate engagement
  • Improve measurement and reporting

The applications are endless. The opportunity is huge.

A pick-and-mix technology suite frees capacity for value-added initiatives that drive the business forward. The right tech can also enable you to focus on nurturing candidates at key touch points. The result? Your enterprise gains the upper hand in hiring and retaining star talent.

Choosing the right recruitment tech

Learn more about how Hudson RPO can assist in recruitment technology.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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SourceCon GrandMaster winner: Iker Jusué sources global success

Congratulations to Iker Jusué, who has just been announced as the 2019 SourceCon GrandMaster winner!

Most impressively, Iker is also the first non-native English speaker to win this global sourcing award. In talent circles, the competition is highly regarded as the sourcing Olympics (or Oscars, if you prefer theatrics over athletics!).

Iker Jursue SourceCon winner
GrandMaster: Iker Jusué wins at SourceCon

Iker is one of our highly rated talent acquisition and sourcing consultants. With multilingual resourcing experience — including in Spanish, French, and English — Iker provides valued expertise to our Sourcing Centre of Excellence.

He recently participated in SourceCon’s GrandMaster Challenge, an annual sourcing competition, where he came away a global sourcing winner.

Over the course of the year, the GrandMaster competition challenges the best talent sourcing specialists from around the globe. It features hundreds of sourcing pros competing in a timed sourcing challenge.

The heat may have been on, but when it comes to unearthing niche talent under pressure, Iker knows how to keep it cool.

Discover, in Iker’s own words, what it means to win the coveted global award of SourceCon GrandMaster. Just as inspirational, learn why Iker is a passionate believer in sharing knowledge throughout the sourcing community.

SourceCon GrandMaster: Iker’s story

My career had ups and downs… However, I never imagined that Batman (yes, a genuine superhero!) would announce to a crowd in Seattle that I was the SourceCon 2019 Grandmaster champion.

When the announcement came out, I was actually on a business trip more than 8,000 km away from Seattle. As I processed the news, I was filled with surprise, excitement, and happiness!

Long before winning the competition, I became very passionate about SourceCon, and the role it plays in bringing the sourcing community together.

Let me tell you how I’ve gotten to know more about the sourcing community, and sourcing as an industry, thanks to SourceCon.

I first came across SourceCon in 2016. Since then, I became increasingly interested in sharing talent-sourcing knowledge with people from different backgrounds, and across borders.

In particular, I’m passionate about exchanging talent sourcing knowledge with peers in North America as well as EMEA. At events and over social media, I enjoy cultivating a deeper knowledge of sourcing trends and practices. These insights help close the talent knowledge gap on both sides of the pond.

In 2017, I decided that I wanted to participate in the SourceCon challenge. The next year, I finished as the second runner-up. The experience was great; the connections I formed helped fuel my passion for sourcing.

Today, I’m very proud to be the first non-native English speaker, the first Spaniard, and the second European to win SoureCon. It’s an amazing source of pride, and a privilege to help impart best practice throughout the global sourcing community.

Want to learn more about talent sourcing?

Congratulations to Iker on his amazing achievement! We’re all incredibly proud to have him supporting our talent team.

Would you like to learn more about talent sourcing? Click here for more information.

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