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5 steps to being better prepared for your job interview
Congratulations! You have been selected for an interview at Company XYZ. Now what? Are you nervous? Has it been a while since you’ve gone for an interview? Or maybe you have had a few interviews but didn’t get selected to move on to the second stage.
It’s normal to have butterflies in your stomach. Here are some things you can do to feel more confident and better prepared.
1. Keep a copy of the original advertisement
I’m surprised when a candidate asks me to send them a copy of the job description once they’ve been contacted for an interview. Perhaps they are not aware that many companies delete the job posting once they have a strong candidate pool.
Asking for a copy of the job description may give the recruiter the impression that you indiscriminately apply for many jobs, hoping that something eventually sticks. Or perhaps you are disorganized.
Recommendation: For each job that you apply for, immediately make a copy of the job description. The first impression that you want to give at the interview is that you are organized, have a good understanding of the job profile, and are a great match for them.
2. Research the company
What do they do? Have they been in the news? Imagine how impressed the interviewer will be if you can demonstrate that you understand their company. Being able to intelligently discuss the firm’s successes, challenges, and growth areas is a huge advantage to making a great impression!
Recommendation: Research the company in advance. Understand their mission statement. Find articles written about them or the industry. Think of pertinent questions to ask at the end of the interview.
3. Talk to the receptionist
You would be surprised how much you can learn from the receptionist. Furthermore, did you know that many hiring managers will ask their receptionists what they thought of you and your possible fit for the company’s culture?
Recommendation: Be positive. Smile at the receptionists. If they are not busy, make small talk, and make a good impression.
4. Bring 2 extra copies of your resume
There will be times when the interviewer may have forgotten or misplaced your resume. Or perhaps a second interviewer was added to the meeting at the last minute, and they need a copy of your resume.
Recommendation: Bring at least two or three copies of your resume to the meeting. It will give the interviewer a positive impression of how well prepared you are. Also, you may need to refer to your resume if the interviewer asks questions about a certain line or paragraph.
5. Anticipate interview questions
Research the most common questions asked during job interviews. Prepare examples of answers you could give to tough questions. The interviewers are looking for instances where you personally added to the solution of a problem, rather than hearing about what the “team” did.
Recommendation: Even if you were part of a team that got the results, be ready to clearly identify how your personal input was a part of the solution.
Being prepared for your interview will make you feel more confident and allow you to make a good first impression. Research, anticipate questions, and remember to smile. Good luck!
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