We have been made aware that someone using the name ‘Scarlett from Hudson RPO’ has been contacting individuals about job opportunities.  This is a scam and does not emanate from any employee within our company.  Please refer to Scam Warning – Hudson RPO to learn more.

Content Team

Americas CEO named a 2019 HR Superstar by HRO Today magazine

Congratulations to Lori Hock, CEO for the Americas, who has been named a 2019 HR Superstar by HRO Today magazine.

The honor serves to “recognize industry leaders for their forward-thinking strategies that prepare their organizations for the future of work.”

The editors write: “Lori Hock’s experience spans more than 25 years. In 2013, she joined Hudson Global as CEO for the Americas, transforming the business around recruitment process outsourcing.”

They continue: “Under Hock’s leadership, the outsourcing service expanded to include retained search, strategic sourcing, employer branding, recruitment technology, and talent management. Previously, she was president of Adecco MSP Solutions for the Americas, where her team achieved $5 billion in spend under management.”

Well done, Lori!

Lori Hock HRO 2019 Superstars

The role of a modern sourcer in uncovering exceptional candidates and market intel: HRD masterclass

The current landscape is fuelling a significant movement of key talent across borders. Is your organisation poised to continue accessing this top talent?

With the benefit of multilingual recruitment and sourcing technology, it can be.

Multilingual sourcers excel at localised searches and other native language tasks that identify leading talent, regardless of location.

HRD masterclass announced

Tremendous advantages emerge when you pair fluent language ability with tech-driven talent sourcing.

Discover these benefits as we reveal an organisational structure designed to deliver maximum business value from your sourcers and recruiters — value that can help your business capitalise on strategic opportunities while weathering market uncertainties.

You’ll learn how the skilled services of talent sourcers add deep business value to your talent pipeline, from the top of the funnel on down.

This masterclass will also reveal the importance around training your sourcers on which tools can help uncover the most niche, hard-to-access candidates in the market.

During the class, we’ll guide you in building a talent acquisition strategy that exploits the deeper business advantages of talent sourcing.

Justin Somerville-Cotton, who will chair the Talent Acquisition stream, said: “We’re always delighted to support organisational leaders in designing strong talent structures.

“There’s an extraordinary amount of business value to be gained from tapping into the unique market insights of talent sourcers. With that in mind, we look forward to welcoming everyone to our HRD masterclass, and exploring the topic more deeply.”

Join us on Tuesday, 4th of February, at 3.15pm, for this exciting masterclass on the role of a modern sourcer in uncovering exceptional candidates and market intel.

Justin Sommerville-Cotton Headshot
Justin Somerville-Cotton will facilitate the HRD Summit masterclass on re-imagining your talent acquisition strategy.

Throughout the summit, visit us at Stand No. 87 for live sourcing demos and chat with one of our multilingual talent sourcers. We look forward to meeting with you!

Roll on up for a 15-minute live sourcing demo on:

Day 1: 11.30, 13.05, and 16.45
Day 2: 10.50 and 13.05

HRD Summit graphic

Hudson RPO partner Sharp wins SILVER honour in the prestigious In-house Recruitment Awards

The In-house Recruitment Awards have just been announced, and we are delighted to announce that our partner client Sharp has won the silver award for Best Recruitment Team in the technology sector.

Many congratulations to our partner and everyone who participated in the awards!

Sharp in-house recruitment awards

The Sharp-Hudson RPO partnership: technology focus

Sharp design and manufacture one-of-a-kind electronics. As a Japanese multinational corporation, Sharp’s employer brand had been relatively unformed in the UK and Europe.

For many years, Sharp had relied on traditional recruitment methods, but this approach was costing the business more than £750,000 per annum.

To achieve greater efficiency and cost savings, Sharp selected Hudson RPO. Within weeks, our team had designed the processes to attract sales professionals, engineers, technicians, and corporate specialists.

From the start, we installed on-site recruitment leads in the UK and Sweden, and recently in France.

Additional support comes from Hudson RPO’s Centre of Excellence.

Sharp also partnered with Hudson RPO to launch a new Sharp careers site. It provides localised content to attract candidates across EMEA, using 10 unique locales.

Furthermore, thanks to the addition of 21 employee videos in native languages, prospective candidates are instantly introduced to life at Sharp and a range of career paths.

The result? A larger number of qualified candidates engage with the brand and submit completed applications quicker. Key posts are filled faster.

Sharp is tracking to achieve 90 per cent of recruitment through direct delivery. The company is also tracking to save £750,000 in agency fees.

Want to hear from Sharp’s European HR Director about why the business partners with Hudson RPO? Watch this short video to learn more.

IHRA19 Silver Winner award

The value of chatbots in recruitment, and other AI tools

The value of chatbots in recruitment, and other AI tools

Content Team

The use of chatbots in recruitment and other AI tools is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years.

According to LinkedIn’s 2018 Global Recruiting Trends report, 35 percent of talent professionals say AI is the top trend in hiring.

Chatbots in recruitment

Many companies use AI chatbots to boost communication, answer questions, improve candidate matching, and even bolster employee engagement after hire.

While many hiring managers and recruiters are figuring out how to incorporate AI, the majority are not losing sleep that AI recruiting tools are going to replace them. According to the report, only 15 percent of hiring professionals think AI tools will make their work obsolete.

The value of AI recruiting technology lies mostly in the early stages of the hiring funnel, as well as in scheduling and clerical tasks. By taking on many of these time-consuming, yet important hiring touch points, many believe AI is enriching later, people-to-people interactions. Discover some of the top ways AI chatbots and hiring tools improve recruiting.

Chatbots in recruitment make communication 24/7…

Prospective job candidates want immediate answers. Yet hiring managers and recruiters need time off, and even large-scale, global companies don’t have the available staff to answer questions around the clock. Enter the AI chatbot. These ‘automated conversation agents’ can handle many of the early questions candidates have about available jobs and the skills required for particular jobs.

In the fall of 2017, for example, Marriott launched MC, a Marriott Careers chatbot for job seekers available through Facebook messenger. By asking questions of the chatbot, people can find out if Marriott jobs that fall in their skill set are available in their geographic area. They can also ask questions about the culture at different organizations within the brand.1 Most importantly, they can do it when they are commuting home from a job they are considering leaving, or over the weekend. When people can’t get fast, simple answers about a job opportunity, they tend to move on. This is especially true of highly-prized passive candidates.

…They also reduce the resumé pile

Newer AI chatbot technologies can help with the initial culling of resumés, so people without ‘must-have’ skills don’t wind up in the mix. The Mya chatbot launched by FirstJob, for example, can analyze applications for specific skills and ask applicants to expand on their experience. Mya and other chatbots can guide candidates through questions normally found within online applications, forms that are often left incomplete. These chatbots can follow up with applicants and encourage them to finish, as well as rank them based on their engagement levels.

Chatbots in recruitment keep candidates engaged…

Candidates often rank poor communication as their primary frustration after they’ve applied for a position, completed an interview, and even between job offer and on-boarding. AI chatbots can schedule second interviews, explain next steps, answer questions, and keep talent up to date on their hiring status. Companies are much less likely to lose candidates to offers from other organizations when they keep them in the loop.

… They can also read people

AI technology is also being used during video interviews to analyze the applicant’s facial expressions and word choices. The technology can determine levels of interest and engagement in the candidate’s face during the conversation, and pick out words that indicate qualities such as commitment, positivity, and flexibility.

On the whole, chatbots in recruitment improve human interactions

Rather than making recruiting more mechanical, many experts believe that AI chatbots and recruiting tools will allow for improved people-to-people interactions in recruitment. Hiring managers and recruiters have long lamented not having enough time for relationship building because of the demands of scheduling and emailing. With AI chatbots helping to answer candidate questions and determine job fit, however, they can spend more time getting to know candidates better, further through the hiring funnel—when it matters most.

Need assistance with recruiting? Contact us today.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

Related articles

Robotics engineer recruitment: key markets in the United States

Robotics engineer recruitment: key markets in the United States

Content Team

For many businesses, corporate survival is closely intertwined with strategies for robotics engineer recruitment. After all, we’re currently experiencing an extraordinary shift in the division of labor performed by humans vs. machines.

By 2025, for the first time in history, more tasks will be completed by machines (52 percent) than people (48 percent).

Compare this to 2018, when just 29 percent of work was done by machines, vs. 71 percent by humans. These figures include computer bots and AI. (See notes 1 and 2.)

Astonishing, isn’t it?

The same research reveals an increasingly wide-reaching range of corporate tech adoption. By 2022, we can expect to see companies using:

  • Internet of Things (IoT): 75 percent
  • Machine learning: 73 percent
  • Autonomous transport: 40 percent
  • Non-humanoid land robots: 33 percent
  • Biotechnology: 28 percent
  • Humanoid robots: 23 percent

Robotics engineer recruitment shaped with market insight

So, where will you go to find the key people who can develop, manage, and maintain robotic technology?

Our research reveals that talent hot spots are not always where you might expect.

When it comes to finding robotics engineers in the United States, Detroit and Baltimore trail the Bay area for key talent.

Chicago, LA, and Seattle are also top markets for robotics engineers.

On the West coast, Seattle, Portland, and San Diego also represent prime markets for robotics engineering. Cities dotted throughout the North East, and along the Great Lakes, also present significant candidate pools. The Midwest also contains sizeable pockets of robotics talent, particularly in Denver, Minneapolis, and across Texas.


1. World Economic Forum. “2018 Future of Jobs Report.” https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/09/future-of-jobs-2018-things-to-know/. Accessed 27 Nov. 2019.

2. World Economic Forum. “2018 Future of Jobs Report.” http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs_2018.pdf. Accessed 27 Nov. 2019.

Hudson RPO

Content Team

The Hudson RPO Content Team is made up of experts within the Talent Acquisition industry across the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. They provide educational and critical business insights in the form of research reports, articles, news, videos, podcasts, and more. The team ensures high-quality content that helps all readers make talent decisions with confidence.

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Hudson RPO client satisfaction ratings beat industry averages, new HRO Today research reveals

In the world of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), Hudson RPO client satisfaction ratings beat industry averages, new research reveals.

An extraordinary 100% of Hudson RPO clients expand the scope of service during renegotiation, according to findings from the 2019 RPO Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Survey, published by HRO Today magazine.

HRO Today Baker's dozen 2019

This outperform the industry average of just 80% of clients expanding the scope of service during RPO renegotiation.

The research highlights an impressive range of measures in which Hudson RPO outperforms the market. Conducted annually, the global survey incorporates feedback from more than 700 buyers of recruitment services.

The Baker’s Dozen analyzes customer insights from a range of global RPO providers, including AgileOne, Allegis, Alexander Mann Solutions, Cielo, Engage2Excel, Hudson RPO, Korn Ferry, PeopleScout, Pontoon, Randstad Sourceright, Resource Solutions, Sevenstep, and Wilson HCG.

Hudson RPO scores above category average in a variety of key service areas, which we’ll explore in detail below. Among the highlights:

  • Hudson RPO scores 4.65 (vs. 4.47 industry average) in being flexible and scalable to changing client needs.
  • The business also scores 4.41 (vs. 4.35 industry average) in helping the client’s approach to staffing.

High customer satisfaction drives loyal relationships

Client feedback reveals high customer satisfaction, with Hudson RPO scoring above average in 15 of 16 metrics examined:

  • In the past 18 months, my company has not contemplated ending our outsourcing relationship with this provider due to service issues. 
  • This provider improved our talent acquisition during the time we outsourced to them.
  • My company has received good value for the money it has spent on this provider.
  • Based on my experience, I would recommend this provider to other organizations.
  • This provider makes it affordable to add enhancements to my RPO program.
two coworkers in discussion
The RPO Baker’s Dozen, recently compiled for 2019, reveals that Hudson RPO outperforms the market in key areas

Contract implementation: Hudson RPO still dominates

For the second consecutive year, Hudson RPO ranks No. 1 worldwide for RPO contract implementation.

That ranking is based on overall client agreement with this statement: “The implementation of my outsourced recruitment services program was on time and on budget.”

Staffing functions improve with Hudson RPO partnerships, according to the Baker’s Dozen survey. Hudson RPO ranks in the top 2 for client agreement with this statement: “This provider improved our staffing function during the time we outsourced to them.”

Clients are also inclined to recommend Hudson RPO to other HR leaders, with the business ranking in the top 3 for client agreement with this statement: “I would recommend this provider to others.”

Amy Hilliard and Jeremiah Stone working
For the second consecutive year, Hudson RPO ranks No. 1 worldwide for RPO contract implementation.

Which services are most popular with talent leaders?

Talent sourcing and interview scheduling lead the list of most-used services, according to Hudson RPO client feedback reported to HRO Today.

A notable 94% of respondents said they had used these services at Hudson RPO. 

Hudson RPO also excels at account management, having scored in the top 3 for this statement: “The team assigned to my account does a very good job managing staffing operations.”

The business also ranks in the top 3 for affordability when adding enhancements to an RPO program.

That recognition is based on client agreement with this statement: “This provider makes it affordable to add enhancements to my RPO program.”  

team discussing client satisfation
Candidate sourcing and interview scheduling lead the list of most popular services used by clients at Hudson RPO.

Hudson RPO clients use more services than average

Interestingly, Hudson RPO’s clients contract more services (an average of 10.5 services) than other providers in the comparison set.

For 2019, survey respondents used an average of 9.5 services across the industry. 

According to the research, Hudson RPO client service utilization exceeds the Baker’s Dozen average the most in: 

  • Contingent or temporary talent acquisition 
  • Advertisement creation and placement 
  • Management of pre-employment screening processes 
  • Employment brand development consulting and program management  
  • Talent acquisition department budgeting support 
China team member working
According to the RPO Baker’s Dozen, Hudson RPO clients use more services than the industry average. This includes management of pre-employment screening processes..

In terms of technology, Hudson RPO clients are also more likely to use an applicant tracking system (ATS), compared to the industry average.

Learn more about RPO and the Baker’s Dozen

Are you intrigued by the latest HRO Today research? Want to learn more about RPO and total talent solutions? Contact us to set up a consultation focused exclusively on your talent strategy today.

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